Testimonials from Schools (with Case Studies)

ECDL / ICDL has become the global standard of digital literacy in educational systems around the world, and has been widely adopted by educational ministries for both students and teachers alike. Here is a selection of testimonials and case studies about the experiences of teachers and students who have completed our certification programmes:

"Recently I had the pleasure to give an ECDL Start certificate to one of my pupils. The ECDL certificate has allowed him to sign a 5-year contract in the Transmissions Division of the French Army."M. Pol, IT Manager at EPIDe centre (Établissement Public d’Insertion de la Défense), Saint Quentin, France.

Korean Productivity Centre (KPC), the South Korean government agency responsible for economic development, recently selected ICDL as of the programmes covered under the ‘University Capacity Building’ project. This project allocates funding for university students to enrol on vocational training programmes that the KPC feels equips students with the necessary skills to secure employment.

Under the ‘University Capacity Building’ project, over 50 now offer ICDL certification courses and to date, over 23,000 students have enrolled. Click here to read the case study.

“No more boredom in my classes. Students enjoy watching the slides I prepare using PowerPoint, and participate actively.”Majeda, 8th grade teacher, Jordan. To learn more about the improvements that an ECDL / ICDL certification can bring to a teacher’s professional life, click here to read the Jordanian Ministry of Education case study.


students with laptop أي سي دي أل للمدارس الطلاب"Schüler, die an ihrer Schule den ECDL erwerben, haben deutlich bessere Chancen beim Berufseinstieg.“ - Projektstudie des Instituts für Bildungsforschung und Erwachsenenbildung an Hamburger Haupt- und Berufsschulen. [English: "Students who complete the ECDL in their schools have considerably better chances for the career entry."  - Project study performed by the Institute for Education Research and Adult Education at secondary and vocational schools in Hamburg.]

ECDL certification is currently offered in 10 of the 16 German state’s school systems, and over 3,000 teachers and 50,000 students have enrolled in the programme. Click here to read the German education ministries case study.

“ECDL represents not only a way for everybody to raise the level of their abilities, but it is also a real chance both for students and teachers to obtain an international certification of their computer skills. The students who already got the ECDL certificate have better employment opportunities as this certificate gives the employer a certain trust in the employee.” Prof. Diana Nicoleta Chirila, Octavian Goga National College, Romania

In Chile, the Ministry of Education was seeking to introduce a recognised national standard of ICT competence while, at the same time, providing access to ICT to disadvantaged sections of Chilean society.

ICDL, as provided by ECDL Foundation’s national awarding body, Fundación Chile, offered Chile Ministry of Education the ideal solution. To date, the ‘ClaseDigitale’ has trained over 37,000 public school students, and certified over 2,300 of their teachers. Click here to read the ClaseDigitale case study.

“I am really glad it is an international qualification because I want to be able to study and work in a number of different countries and the ICDL is known everywhere - it is a common currency.” 16 year-old Dalyn Capes, student,  Zambia.

“The ICDL is an integral part of the jigsaw of academic endeavour at the college.” - Steve Ferguson, Baobab College, Zambia

Click here to read the Zambian colleges case study.

ECDL training and certification has been offered through the Italian education system since 1999. Since then, over 640,000 public school pupils and 200,000 university students have been ECDL certified in 2,000 schools and 200 universities. Click here to read the Italian case study.

حفل توزيع الشهادات كوسوفو

Enver Hoxhaj awarding Ms Lulijeta Gashi the Best Result Award 


"The century that we are living in cannot be thought of without theory, technology, and the Internet." - Enver Hoxhaj, Kosovo's Minister for Education, speaking at an ECDL certificate awarding-ceremony.

The Kosovan Ministry of Education, with funding from the World Bank, plan to have 27,000 of the country's primary and secondary school teachers ECDL certified by 2012.

Click here to read the Kosovan case study.


"Using my knowledge on 'Word Processing' and 'Presentation', I took my grade six students on a 'great voyage' by computer to the 'Territory of Grammar'. The applause of the students proved that I steered the vehicle successfully! ICDL helped me to prove that any boring lesson can be changed into an interesting one if the teacher has a little bit of dedication. Taking the initiative in using computer as a teaching aid, I have become a significant member of the staff. The student’s attitude towards the subject 'English as a Second Language' has been changed. As a result of computer based activities they come to the class with enthusiasm.." -  Mrs. Asoka M Peiris,  teacher, Sri Lanka

 "A hundred words are not enough to describe the way ICDL impacted me. It’s about a victory I got because of ICDL. Some schools in our area organised an interschool competition about using software in our daily lives. So I participated in it. Can you believe what happened? Yes, I won. Tears came out from eyes. I had self-confidence - I knew I could, so I faced it fearlessly and bravely. ICDL completed my life - It gave me everything I wanted; everything I wanted to fulfil my present; my future. I won because of ICDL. ICDL showed me the way to success and it will show anyone who wants to gain success. It is unlimited to everyone; to rich and poor; to high class and low. Everyone should try ICDL and must watch yourselves crying like me." - Sirini Owen Jatasooriya, student, Sri Lanka

Click here to read the case study on the role that ICDL plays in the development of the Sri-Lankan education system.

"I now prepare all the exams using Microsoft Office Word which saves me a lot of time and effort". - Ali, teacher, Jordan, on how his ICDL certification has benefited his professional life.