Facebook comes down Heavily on Fake News
Facebook had recently introduced a feature for users to set a Red Flag for fake news, but it didn’t seem to work as expected. This time around Facebook has introduced even more aggressive measures against the fake news epidemic. Facebook now has an army of fact-checkers (companies have been hired for this job) that will verify if a piece of news is fake. In case a reported is verified as untrue, Facebook will shrink the visibility of that report in people’s newsfeed to make it virtually invisible.
Are VPNs Legal in GCC, Egypt and Iraq?
VPNs are much sought after in this region (GCC, Egypt and Iraq), especially with various sights and apps being blocked by governments. Installing a VPN app on your phone or laptop makes the whole internet accessible to you, but you must stay cautious and know VPN rules in your country well before biting the forbidden apple.
Ransomware Asks You to Play PUBG
Regardless of what type of ransomware infects your PC, they usually all demand the same thing: money. Your files are encrypted, your PC is unusable, and hundreds of dollars or Bitcoin needs to be paid in order to unlock everything. However, a new piece of ransomware is a little different. Once it has control of your PC, all it desires is for you to play a game.
10 Things you Should Never Share on Facebook
Facebook has become a window to people’s personal lives, with users of this social media giant posting every small and big moments of their lives and information. They say Facebook knows you more intimately than even your closest friends, thanks to all the activity you indulge in on your Facebook page.
US Visa Aspirants Might Soon have to Share their Social Media Details
If you want to immigrate to the US or visit the country for business or pleasure and you aren’t from one of these countries, soon you might have to share your social media handles created in the last five years as part of official formalities. A social media handle is the URL of your personal account – e.g. facebook.com/XYZ.
Eight Apps you didn’t know can be Harmful to Children!
We are sure that as a parent you are always concerned about your children don’t indulge in self-harm in their ignorance, or even more importantly, don’t keep secrets from you, which might eventually prove dangerous for them. But have you ever thought that you might be ignorant about your children’s activities, and come to know about them only when it is too late?
Jailed British-German Teacher in UAE Downloaded Child Porn through GigaTribe
Prosecutors from Abu Dhabi recently revealed that British-German teacher Christian Wilke-Breitsameter was jailed for possession of child porn, contrary to reports earlier that he was penalized for ‘electronic insult’. Christian, who was arrested in the UAE in April last year, possessed more than 300 child pornography pictures on his cell phone and computer. He confessed downloading this material through GigaTribe, a website that is not illegal but facilitates file-sharing within closed groups.
Coming Soon: Instagram Chronological Feed
Popular image-sharing app Instagram is once again changing the way posts appear on your feed. The app returns to its roots by chronologically prioritising new posts. Users can now view fresh content rather than images posted a couple of days ago, the Independent reports. The move harkens back to the early days of Instagram when users could see posts according to the time they were posted.
Don’t Fall for this New WhatsApp Scam!
If you have received a WhatsApp message claiming that you have won in the Dubai Expo 2020 Lucky Draw, don’t be happy yet! It’s a new scam that has actually gone viral. The messages congratulates recipients for winning a Dh 200,000! But there’s just one issue, it’s a Phishing attempt that asks recipients to share personal information on two particular numbers to claim their big prize money.
Should you #DeleteFacebook Today…
If you are following the #DeleteFacebook trend on websites like Twitter, you will understand how big an issue this has become. Even celebrities such as Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX and Tesla, and Brian Acton, co-founder of WhatsApp have asked Facebook users to delete their accounts. A survey conducted last week in the United States and Germany showed that for the first time in the history of Facebook, the largest number of people have come forward to say that they are losing trust in Facebook over privacy.