Cyber Security for Educators and Teachers

This module is designed to give a comprehensive overview of Cybersecurity for the educational realm.

15-20 hours per module
45 minutes per module
Arabic and English

On completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  • Recognise the potential security risks and drawbacks of students engaging in various online activities.
  • Develop and refresh teachers’ awareness and understanding of student protection to help keep students safe online.
  • Understand how to create effective plans to help protect students online, including supporting parents’ concerns.
  • Use various tools and techniques to secure and protect students with their online experiences.
  • Recognise practical ways to keep students safe, like child-friendly search engines, privacy settings, and parental controls.
  • Develop an awareness of online risks, like cyberbullying, inappropriate messages, sexual harassment, inappropriate websites, and online radicalization, sharing (streaming) online and inappropriate use of social networking sites.
  • Recognise how to help students manage Internet safety risks, including speaking with the students about online content and activities
  • Understand the relevant legislation and ethical guidance for student safeguarding.
  • Recognise the different types of online risks and signs of cyberbullying, to provide a suitable response for the students involved.
  • Recognise the key elements of Cybersecurity policies and procedures.
  • Track changes in children’s online behaviour, updating them on new developments/risks.
  • Understand a range of safety initiatives, such as awareness, strategies, and rules regulating online access and usage. Also, build children’s digital resilience through safety and privacy.
  • Understand how to use security policies and what resources are available.
  • Understand and apply the concepts and principles of ethical thinking to problems relating to computers and digital technologies.
  • Define the legal issues and be aware of what will happen when a student breaches cyber laws.

What are the benefits of this module?

  • Covers the key information and skills needed to ensure that teachers and educational leadership teams have a solid understanding of the risks involved for students working online, and how they should identify and respond to such risks.
  • Certifies best practice in Cyber Security for Educators.
  • Developed with input from computer users, subject matter experts, and practising computer professionals from all over the world. This process ensures the relevance and range of module content

Syllabus Overview

Use of the Internet and Social Networks in school
  • The use of the Internet
  • The use of Social Media
Online Activity Risks
  • Risks of harm to students online
  • Internet Safety Risks for students
Social Networks
  • Risks of Social Media
  • Navigating the Risks of Social Media
  • Social Media: E-Safety Understand how different types of Social Media Apps may pose a risk
Online Risks & Harms
  • Cyberbullying
  • Online Advertising and Students
  • Improper websites and videos
  • Inappropriate messaging and sexual harassment
  • Online Radicalisation
  • Vulnerability and Victimhood
  • Respond to the Risks of “Live Streaming”
Manage student’s online safety
  • Active Listening
  • Confidence in Students
  • Student Moods: The ups and downs of Adolescence
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Digital Resilience in Students
Initiatives to Safeguard Students Online
  • Student Privacy, Monitoring & Trust
  • Keeping students safe online
  • Teaching Safe & Responsible Online Behavior
  • Discussing internet safety with students
A Classroom Resource Guide for Engaging Students in Cybersecurity
  • Classroom and Professional Development Resources
Cybersecurity Policy
  • Writing Policy Guidelines
Cyber Ethics
  • What are the important ethical issues in cybersecurity?
  • Ethics Perspectives: Networked Communications
Cyber Laws
  • Awareness & Guidelines




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