ICDL Saudi Arabia intensifies nationwide campaign to encourage SMEs to invest more on IT literacy programs

ICDL Saudi Arabia, the governing body and certification authority of the International Computer Driving License (ICDL) programme in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), has called upon the commercial industry to invest more on IT literacy campaigns to avoid the hidden huge cost of IT Illiteracy on the long run. More
KSA turning to IT proficiency certification to address Middle East’s 29.7 per cent digital illiteracy rate

According to the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization, digital illiteracy in the Arab World is at 29.7 per cent, compared to 19 per cent global average. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has been encouraging nationals to participate in digital proficiency accreditation programs to enhance their IT competency and help improve the region’s IT capabilities. More
ICDL Saudi Arabia wins “Programme Implementation” category at 2009 ECDL Foundation Best Practice Awards

ICDL Saudi Arabia, the governing body and certification authority of the International Computer Driving License (ICDL) programme in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), won the ‘Programme Implementation within an Organisation’ category at the recently-held 2009 ECDL Foundation Best Practices Award. More
ICDL Saudi Arabia reinforces women-focused training facilities as part of long-term IT literacy strategy

Taibah University renews IT proficiency certification agreement with ICDL KSA

Student membership in ICDL program to rise over 290 per cent to reach 5000 in 2009. ICDL Saudi Arabia, the governing body and certification authority of the International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL) program in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), has announced that it has renewed its certification agreement with Taibah University. More
Al Baha University adopts ICDL standard as benchmark for IT excellence

More than 4,500 female and male students poised to receive ICDL certification. Al Baha University has recently adopted ICDL as a standard for its digital literacy program for first-year university students. The move aims to help accelerate the development of the female and male students' digital knowledge and skills, which will dramatically improve their future career prospects and make them active contributors in the socioeconomic growth of Saudi Arabia. More
KSA Ministry of Interior’s National Information Center endorses the ICDL digital literacy standard

The National Information Center (NIC) at the Saudi Ministry of Interior, and ICDL Saudi Arabia, the governing body and certification authority of the International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL) program in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), have signed an agreement that accredits NIC as an ICDL training and testing center. More
Growth of KSA’s e-Commerce sector complements nationwide digital literacy initiatives

An economic report released by the Arab Advisors Group, a specialised research, analysis and consulting company focusing on communications, media, technology and financial markets throughout the MENA region, revealed a 9.3 per cent current growth in the KSA’s Information Technology (IT) sector. The report ranked the Kingdom first among Arab countries in terms of e-Commerce growth, as the value of e-Commerce transactions in Saudi has peaked at SAR 12 billion. More
ICDL Saudi Arabia commences ‘Certified Training Professional’ program

ICDL Saudi Arabia, the governing body and certification authority of the International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL) programme in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), has announced that it has recently commenced the ‘Certified Training Professional’ (CTP) program in KSA to provide male and female ICDL trainers with a mass-based higher-level skills proficiency training for various essential IT applications More
Saudi Government and private sectors endorse ICDL as key employment criteria

Government departments and business enterprises in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have recently implemented several key measures, including the endorsement of International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL) certification, as a major criterion for employment, as part of a long-term strategy to support the Saudization program. The initiatives are designed to boost the IT expertise of the local workforce and increase the number of qualified Saudi nationals in the IT sector. More