ICDL is an internationally recognised certification providing evidence that an individual possesses the skills in a variety of ICT topics. ICDL enables you to develop and certify your computer skills in the subject areas of your choosing and to the level that you need – either for work, or for day-to-day life. Click below to learn more about the ICDL Certificate you are interested in.
Base Certificate
This certificate combines 3 modules to provide the essential digital skills for every modern workplace. The skills covered in this entry-level certificate enable candidates to get started with computers and being online, develop the skills to use common productivity applications such as documents, spreadsheets and presentations, and provides the knowledge to keep personal and company data safe while online.
- Computer and Online Essentials
- Office Application Essentials
- Cyber Security
- This certificate is issued to a candidate upon completion of all three modules.
ICDL 2022 Certificate
This certificate redefines the standard for digital literacy and updates the previous 5 module certificate. Candidates will be able to use computers and common productivity applications with confidence and in addition, will stand out at work having gained an understanding of the emerging technologies such as AI, Big Data, Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things.
- Computer and Online Essentials
- Office Application Essentials
- Online Teamwork
- AI and Emerging Technologies
- Cyber Security
- This certificate is issued to a candidate upon completion of all five modules
Digital Leadership Certificate
Designed to address the requirements of current and future business leaders the Digital Leadership Certificate comprises five modules that combined will put the power of digital technology in the hands of leaders and equip them with the insights and know-how to make informed decisions and execute a programme that meets the digital transformation needs of an organisation.
- Online Teamwork
- AI and Emerging Technologies
- Digital Marketing
- Project Planning
- Data Analytics
- This certificate is issued to a candidate upon completion of both modules.
Single Module Certificates
Designed to meet the needs of modern professionals in a range of sectors, ICDL Single Module certifications develop industry-specific or advanced level skills in a single subject for those with technology-reliant roles.
- Digital Marketing
- Project Planning
- Data Analytics
- Cyber Security
- Advanced Word Processing
- Advanced Spreadsheets
- Advanced Databases
- Advanced Presentation
- A certificate can be issued to a candidate upon completion of a single module
Emerging Technologies & Cyber Security Certificate
Designed to address the requirements for current and future managers this certificate will provide an understanding of trending and emerging technologies. It consists of two modules that are contextualised in a practical way to cover the topics of AI, Big Data, Cloud Computing the Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber Security.
- AI and Emerging Technologies
- Cyber Security
- This certificate is issued to a candidate upon completion of both modules.
Academic Profile Certificate
The ICDL Academic Profile Certificate is a comprehensive offering recommended for academic institutions. Designed to allow students during their higher education enrolment to benefit from accessing the entire library of ICDL modules it provides practical training on the latest ICT topics.
- Computer and Online Essentials
- Office Application Essentials
- Documents Syllabus 6.0
- Spreadsheets Syllabus 6.0
- Presentation Syllabus 6.0
- Using Databases
- Online Teamwork
- AI and Emerging Technologies
- Digital Marketing
- Project Planning
- Data Analytics
- Cyber Security
- Social Media
- Cyber Safety
- Online Search
- Advanced Word Processing
- Advanced Spreadsheets
- Advanced Databases
- Advanced Presentation
- This certificate can be issued to a candidate upon completion of up to any 10 modules from the above choice of 20.
Teacher Certificate
This Certification Programme aims to develop the ICT skills of teachers to be able to proficiently use and employ technology in the classroom, as well as create a safe and secure learning environment within their institute or school.
- Computer and Online Essentials
- Office Application Essentials
- Online Teamwork
- Cyber Security for Educators and Teachers
- ICT in Education
- This certificate is issued to a candidate upon completion of all five modules